1953-54: Tennessee Polytechnic Institute (TPI) started the Rifle Team in school year 1953-54. The Military Science Department provided an NCO as the Rifle Team Coach and an Officer as the Rifle Team Advisor. All of the firearms, ammunition and targets were also provided by the Military Science Department. This included straight-stocked Winchester 52's and Remington 40x's. Cloth shooting coats were used and the mats were government mattresses. The targets were the conventional NRA A-17 targets. The range was located in a wooden building that has since been torn down.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - MSG Michael M. Sweeney and MSG Myers Rifle Team Advisor - 1LT Wayman H. Lytle Team Captain - ?
 The first Tech Rifle Team was 1953-54. top
1954-55: From 1955 The Eagle:
"The Rifle Team is Tech's youngest minor sport, letters being awarded for the first time last year. The Riflemen fired 39 postal matches, two shoulder to shoulder matches, and an invitational tournament at ETSC (East Tennessee State College). The first shoulder to shoulder match, fired on the home range, saw the Eagles drop MTSC by a score of 837-767. The next shoulder to shoulder match was fired at Sweanee and resulted in a defeat for the Tech Riflemen. The final score was 912-830. Four teams participated in the invitational tournament at ETSC. Scores were ETSC 916, Tech 898, Tennessee 889, and MTSC 773. Tech's top five men for the match were Wheeler Rogers, Ronald B. Thomas, Charles Cheatham, Thomas J. Bond and Bob Borer. The Tech riflemen placed fifteenth in the William Randolph Hearst postal match. This is a national match with 59 schools competing." |
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - MSG Michael M. Sweeney and MSG Myers Rifle Team Advisor - CPT Wayman H. Lytle Team Captain - Wheeler Rogers
 Kneeling: Jack Ansley, John Reich, Team Captain Wheeler Rogers, Charles Cheatham, Sam Nelson, Ronald Thomas. Standing: Howard Boaring, Kenneth Treels, Arthur Pope, John Evans, Moye Rutledge, Robert Borer, Lloyd Stokes. top
1955-56: From 1956 The Eagle:
"Although one of the younger competitive organizations on campus, the Tech Rifle Team is taking its place among the record books of Tech's sporting events. During the past season, the team fired three shoulder-to-shoulder matches. They outshot MTSC but lost to Sewanee and the Rockwood Rifle and Pistol Club, the latter being a traditional yearly match. In the William Randolph Hearst Tournament, the number one Tech team placed 19th while the number two team placed 42nd. When Tech played host to the Class CC Tennessee ROTC rifle teams, they came in second. Since all matches cannot be fired shoulder-to-shoulder, postal matches are held. Of the postal matches fired, Tech won over half. All of the team members will return next year except Arthur Pope, who will be lost through graduation." |
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - MSG Michael M. Sweeney
1956-57: From 1957 The Eagle:
"The Tech ROTC rifle team is rapidly making a mark on the records of Tech athletics. In 1956, this young organization brought the State Invitational Rifle Tourney championship to Tech as they defeated MTSC and ETSC in the meet for ROTC at the college level. ETSC had previously outshot Tech in two shoulder-to-shoulder matches. During the regular season, the team compiled a 23-22 record in postal matches. The riflemen also competed in the Third Army Intercollegiate Indoor Smallbore Match, the NRA Intercollegiate Indoor Smallbore Sectional Match and the William Randolph Hearst Match. Relative standings of Third Army Teams were not disclosed. The NRA Charter was awarded to the rifle team in December of 1956. Officers of the group included; Toby Bond, president; Tom Yeary, vice-president; Harold Carter, secretary; and Melvin Brown, treasurer. Faculty Advisor was Lt. Richard Prevatt, Jr. SFC Robert Bass was the team coach." |
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - SFC Robert H. Bass Rifle Team Advisor - 1LT Richard M. Prevatt Team Captain - Thomas J. Bond
"Sonny Reynolds and Melvin Brown in the pre-firing position"  Front Row, L to R: Charles Sullivan, Tom Yeary, Harold Carter, Melvin Brown, Sonny Reynolds, Buddy Reynolds. Second Row, L to R: Lt. Richard Prevatt, David McGonegle, Bill McDonough, Thomas Bond, Bill Claypool, John Nichols, SFC Robert Bass top
1957-58: From 1958 The Eagle:
"The Tennessee Tech Rifle Team, after much competition throughout the quarter, turned their sights toward, and won, the Tennessee Invitational Tournament held at Tech." |
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - MSG Robert H. Ball Rifle Team Advisor - 1LT William R. Capps Team Captain - ?
First row, L to R: Edgar V. Sellers, Joe P. Clark, Robert Brogan, Lee Roy Proffitt, Charles S. Palmer, Rucker J. Hall, Steve Derryberry. Second row: Sonny Reynolds, Donald E. Smith, Aaron White, Robert H. Patterson, Ben R. Frakes, Damon Agee. Third row:MSG Robert H. Ball-Coach, Joe Nickols, Harold R. Carter, Thomas E. Yeary, William G. McDonough, Buddy Reynolds, Melvin H. Brown, Thomas J. Bond, 1LT William R. Capps-OIC. Not pictured: Charles H. Sullivan.
Leadership: Rifle Team Advisor - CPT Ferdinand Ferrer Team Captain - ?
First Row: Dallas Smith, Charles Palmer, Edgar Sellers, Barry McDonald, Buddy Reynolds, Sonny Reynolds. Second Row: Eugene Brown, Flowers, William Gowan, CPT Ferrer, George Aust, Robert Brogan, Jack Huff.top
1959-60: From 1960 The Eagle:
"Supplementing the various ROTC activities and regular class work, the Tech rifle team is composed of twenty-one members under the direction of Capt. Charles L. Johnson By winning the state championship last year in competition with all Tennessee colleges except the University of Chattanooga, the group received a trophy which may be kept permantently if won three consecutive years. This year the rifle team representatives placed fourth, competing with 75 teams. In the William Randolph Hearst Match, a national contest, the group placed sixth in competition with eighty-one teams. The rifle team participates in postal and shoulder-to-shoulder matches. Postal matches are fired on the home range and certified by an officer. A copy of the score sheet is then sent to various colleges which are challenged weekly. In the shoulder-to-shoulder matches the two teams meet in actual competition at on the colleges. This year 36 matches have been won and six lost. All colleges try for 280 out of a possible 300." |
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - Norlie O. Williams Asst. Rifle Team Coach - Sgt. Glaze Rifle Team Advisor - CPT Charles L Johnson Team Captain - Charles S. Palmer
Rifle Team Captain Charles Palmer, four year veteran of the Rifle Team, prepares to fire during important match
Sgt. Williams, team coach, points out improved score of Ed Sellers during practice session
First Row: CPT Johnson, C. Palmer, R. Kemper, R. Brogan, R. Pendergrass, E. Sellers Second Row: Sgt. Williams, K. Webb, G. Ashburn, G. Smith, V. Skullman, L. Russell, K. Spainhour top
1960-61: Need to get some input from team members.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - Olin L. Glaze Rifle Team Advisor - CPT Thomas R. York Team Captain - ?
Front Row - Kneeling, L to R: E. Sellers, S. Pennington, J. Boddie, R. Kirk, J. Dixon Second Row, L to R: D. Smith, J. Webb, R. Shanlever, J. Litton, S. Breman, Eugene Collins. Third Row, L to R: R. Cramer, L. Ashburn, V. Skullman, J. Huff, K. Spainhour, J. Riggins, S. Anthony. top
1961-62: Need to get some input from team members.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - SFC Billy B. Arnold Rifle Team Advisor - CPT Thomas R. York Team Captain - Victor Skullman
1962-63: The team was now using straight-stocked Winchester 52's and Remington 40x's modified with Freeland palm rests and adjustable hooks.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - MSG George M. Pullie Rifle Team Advisor - Johnie R. Schrader Team Captain - Victor E. Skullman
Row 1: Bob Cramer, Victor Skullman, John Bowman. Row 2: Edward Kernea, Lawrence Connell, James Hopper, Burnett Freeman. Row 3: Joe Duncan, Dennis Groooms, Richard Runyan. Row 4: David O'Rear, Larry Murphy, Rob Johnson, James DeBerry, Robert Babcock.top
1963-64: The NRA Sectionals now included two separate championships. Teams could compete in the NRA Conventional Sectionals on the NRA A-17 target and also in the NRA International Sectionals on the NRA A-36 target.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - Rex Lineberry Rifle Team Advisor - CPT Edward M. Scott Team Captain - John Bowman
 Coach Lineberry with Scott Shamlin and Garrett Van Koughnett
 Front Row, L to R: Ernest Brink, Brent Ramey, Scott Shamlin, Everett Palmer, Carl Palmer, Robert Cody Rear Row, L to R: Coach Rex Lineberry, Dennis Grooms, Garrett Van Koughnett, Everett Dyer, Rob Johnson, Thomas Washburn, Brooks Kerr, CPT Edward Scott, Rifle Team Advisor. top
1964-65: A major change in the Rifle Team occured in school year 1964-65 with the addition of the Women's Rifle Team. The women's team was disbanded after the 1968-69 season.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - Rex Lineberry Rifle Team Advisor - MAJ William Muenter Men's Team Captain - Garrett VanKoughnett Women's Team Captain - Frieda Key
National Rankings: TPI had the top Women's Team in the NRA National Collegiate International Rifle Team Championships with a 935.
 1965 yearbook article
 1964-65 Tech Rifle Team
 1965 Tech Rifle Team with trophies
1965-66: Tennessee Polytechnic Institute became Tennessee Technological University.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - Rex Lineberry Rifle Team Advisor - MAJ William Muenter Men's Team Captain - Lawrence Connell Women's Team Captain - Marjorie Heston
National Rankings: The Men's Team placed 10th in the NRA National Collegiate International Rifle Team Championships, while the TTU Women's Rifle Team was the High Women's Team in the NRA National Collegiate Conventional Rifle Team Championships!
1966-67: The team was still using the modified Winchester 52's and Remington 40x's, but also had a few Walther KKM Free Rifles. Cloth shooting coats were the norm.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - SSG Allison Lee Rifle Team Advisor - MAJ William Muenter Men's Team Captain - Paul Collins Women's Team Captain - Marjorie Heston
All-American Selections: Ernest Brink, Jr., First Team Smallbore Rifle.

 1967 TTU Rifle Team top
1967-68: Many of the team were using heavy NRA leather coats by now and some Anschutz 1413 Free Rifles were obtained to augment the other rifles of the team. Notice the gold blazers that were worn on team trips. Thankfully they quit requiring them for the 1969-70 school year.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - Wade Rifle Team Advisor - MAJ William Muenter Team Captain - Paul Collins Women's Team Captain - Marjorie Heston

 1968 TTU Rifle Team
1968-69: Major changes occured when TTU opened a new 14-point range on the second floor of the Military Science complex under the west stands of the football stadium. Besides the floor bouncing when anyone walked behind the shooters and being very warm in the early fall and spring, it was a major improvement. Tech started offering athletic scholarships for school year 1968-69 and began recruiting outside of Tennessee. Two students, Randy Schwartz from Miami, FL and James Koch from Chattanooga, TN transferred in. Jim had been selected as a 1968 NRA Second Team All-American while at Auburn University. That signaled the beginning of a nation-wide search for outstanding rifle shooters that has continued through the years. Since Rifle was not an official NCAA sport until 1980, students could transfer schools without any loss of eligibility. Jim and Randy also brought their own equipment that included heavy leather coats and Anschutz 1413's. Virtually all of the newcomers to the team from this point on brought their own equipment.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - MSG Charles Gibson Rifle Team Advisor - MAJ Arthur Mungia Men's Team Captain - Charles Pearson Women's Team Captain - Marjorie Pearson
National Rankings: TTU placed 5th in the NRA National Collegiate Conventional Rifle Championships and 11th in the NRA National Collegiate International Rifle Championships.
All-American Selections: James Koch, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Randy Schwartz, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle
1969-70: The next year saw four new shooters come in on athletic scholarships. Dan Arnold and Robert Aylward from California, Ray Carter from Virginia and David Koser from Pennsylvania combined with Randy Schwartz, Frank Van Cleave, Al Lookofsky, Jim Alexander and John Lamb to put TTU on the map of big-time shooting schools. Trips included Murray State, University of Kentucky, East Tennessee State University, North Georgia College & a tournament at Dobbins AFB, and the Silver Dollar Roundup in Winter Haven, Florida during Spring Break. Towards the end of the school year, some of the team went to an NRA Smallbore Rifle Position Regional in Memphis, TN.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - MSG Charles Gibson Rifle Team Advisor - MAJ Joe Allen Team Captain - Randy Schwartz
National Rankings: TTU placed 2nd in the NRA National Collegiate International Rifle Championships and 3rd in the NRA National Collegiate Conventional Rifle Championships.
All-American Selections: Robert Aylward, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Ray Carter, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle Randy Schwartz, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle David Koser, Hon Mention Smallbore Rifle
 1970 National Collegiate Rifle Team Runnerups and 1970 TTU All-Americans. L to R: Ray Carter, David Koser, Robert Aylward, Randy Schwartz top
1970-71: The team had worked hard on recruiting additional shooters that year and it proved to be the real turning point as TTU gained transfers (David Avril from Penn State, Aaron Hupman from Tulane, Susan Smith from Minnesota), plus Jim Koch rejoined the team and new freshmen Frank Sanders from Maryland, Mike Corley from Memphis and Tom Byrne from New Jersey added to the depth. Trips included MTSU in Murfreesboro; a PTO in Knoxville; University of Georgia & University of Kentucky in Lexington, Ky and Eastern Kentucky in Richmond, KY; The Citadel, Clemson and Furman University in Greenville, SC & NC State University in Raleigh in one weekend; Kentucky State Championships in Lexington, Ky; Acorns Thanksgiving Tournament in Quantico, VA; and then the Kansas State Turkey Shoot in Manhattan, KS. During Winter Quarter there were road trips to USMA at West Point, NY; East Tennessee State University in Johnson City, and Murray State University at Murray, KY. Spring Break saw some of the team down at the Silver Dollar Roundup in Winter Haven, FL and a week in southern Florida. Of special note was the "National Record Match" held at Tech. The team went through the NRA National Records for both Conventional and International gallery courses of fire and set up a match for many of the odd courses of fire like two-person team 10 shots prone and 10 shots standing, etc. There were 16 National Records broken that day and some are still standing!
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - SSG Robert Glass Rifle Team Advisor - MAJ Joe Allen Team Captain - Ray Carter
National Rankings: Tennessee Tech placed 1st & 8th in the NRA National Collegiate Conventional Rifle Team Championships and placed 2nd and 3rd in the NRA National Collegiate International Rifle Championships as Tech was edged by the University of Houston. Aaron Hupman won the NRA National Collegiate International Rifle Individual Championship.
All-American Selections: David Avril, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Ray Carter, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Aaron Hupman, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Robert Aylward, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle James Koch, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle David Koser, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle Susan Smith, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle Frank Sanders, Hon Mention Smallbore Rifle
1970-71 TTU Rifle Team
1971 National Collegiate Rifle Team Champions Aaron Hupman, Ray Carter, Robert Aylward, David Avril
1971-72: The 1971-72 season was truly the high point in TTU history to that point as newcomers David Ash from Alaska, Ed Etzel from Connecticut, and Dana Spinks from Virginia strengthened the team. Trips included Purdue University, Jacksonville State, University of Kentucky, U.S. Naval Academy, Acorns Thanksgiving Tournament, Kansas State Turkey Shoot, and others. The team of Ray Carter, Ed Etzel, Aaron Hupman and Susan Smith won both of the NRA National Collegiate Rifle Team Championships and TTU actually placed 1st, 2nd and 10th in the Conventional Championships! Teams from the same school had come in first and second in the nation for the first time in history! Bob Aylward, Aaron Hupman and David Ash were shooting a "light coat", while everyone else kept their "heavy coats" for the season and then switched to "light coats" after the NRA Sectionals to get ready for the U.S. Shooting Team Tryouts each June.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - SGM Cleveland Wright Rifle Team Advisor - CPT Larry Richardson Team Captain - Ray Carter
National Rankings: Tennessee Tech placed 1st, 2nd & 10th in the NRA National Collegiate Conventional Rifle Team Championships and placed 1st, 4th and 7th in the NRA National Collegiate International Rifle Championships!
All-American Selections: Ray Carter, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Ed Etzel, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Aaron Hupman, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Susan Smith, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle David Avril, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle Robert Aylward, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle
1971-72 TTU Rifle Team 1972 National Collegiate Rifle Team Champions L to R: Ray Carter, Susan Smith, Ed Etzel, Aaron Hupman
1972-73: TTU added Janet Hays from Virginia and Shawn McDonnell from Connecticut, plus USMC MTU shooter Larry Graham came from Quantico, VA. Trips included The Citadel, University of Kentucky, University of Houston, U.S. Naval Academy, Acorns Thanksgiving Tournament, and the Kansas State Turkey Shoot. TTU won the Kansas State Turkey Shoot in Manhattan, KS in December 1972 and then the NRA National Collegiate Conventional Rifle Team Championships.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - SGM Cleveland Wright Rifle Team Advisor - MAJ James McWilliams Team Captains - Ray Carter & Edward Etzel
National Rankings: Tennessee Tech placed 1st & 6th in the NRA National Collegiate Conventional Rifle Team Championships and placed 2nd, 7th & 8th in the NRA National Collegiate International Rifle Championships as Tech was edged by ETSU.
All-American Selections: David Avril, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Ray Carter, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Ed Etzel, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Robert Lott, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Larry Graham, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle Aaron Hupman, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle Dana Spinks, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle Robert Aylward, Hon Mention Smallbore Rifle Michael Corley, Hon Mention Smallbore Rifle Janet Hays, Hon Mention Smallbore Rifle David Koser, Hon Mention Smallbore Rifle
 L to R: Frank Sanders, Dave Koser, Ed Etzel, Bob Lott, Aaron Hupman, Janet Hays, Shawn McDonnell, David Ash, Ray Carter, Dana Spinks, Dave Avril, Bob Aylward
 1973 National Collegiate Rifle Team Champions L to R: David Avril, Ray Carter, Coach Cleveland Wright, Robert Lott, Edward Etzel top
1973-74: Tech gained Bill Lange from Connecticut, Rich Taber from Univ. of Maine, Al Raison from New Jersey, Debra Ruge from New York, George Tolson from Florida and Stephen Kiern from Louisiana to replace Avril, Aylward, Carter, Hupman, Koser and Hays.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - SSG Robert Glass Rifle Team Advisor - MAJ James McWilliams Team Captain - Edward Etzel
National Rankings: Tennessee Tech placed 7th in the NRA National Collegiate Conventional Rifle Team Championships and placed 2nd, 6th & 12th in the NRA National Collegiate International Rifle Championships.
All-American Selections: Edward Etzel, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Larry Graham, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Stephen Kiern, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle Dana Spinks, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle Richard Taber, Hon Mention Smallbore Rifle
1974-75: Eric Schmitt-Matzen joins the team.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - Tony Wright Rifle Team Advisor - ? Team Captains - Dana Spinks & Larry Graham
National Rankings: Tennessee Tech placed 4th in the NRA National Collegiate Conventional Rifle Team Championships and placed 4th in the NRA National Collegiate International Rifle Championships.
All-American Selections: Stephen Kiern, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Robert Lott, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Larry Graham, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle Richard Taber, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle
1975-76: Tech added Joe Coriaggio from New Jersey, Richard Ruge from New York, Pam Tolson from Florida, Liesel Schmitt-Matzen, and Matt Smith to replace Ash, Spinks and Taber.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - Peter White Rifle Team Advisor - ? Team Captains - Robert Lott & Larry Graham
National Rankings: Tennessee Tech placed 5th in the NRA National Collegiate Conventional Rifle Team Championships and placed 3rd in the NRA National Collegiate International Rifle Championships.
All-American Selections: Larry Graham, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle George Tolson, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Robert Lott, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle Al Raison, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle
1976-77: Another major change in the team came in the 1976-77 season when David Ash became the coach of the team as a Graduate Student. This was the first time that the Military Science Department was not doing it. Rod Fitz-Randolph, Jr. and Matthew Stark join the team and provide the nucleous for a powerhouse team for the next four years. Ed Etzel leaves the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit and becomes the Rifle Coach at West Virginia University.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - David Ash Team Captains - George Tolson & Rod Fitz-Randolph
National Rankings: Tennessee Tech placed 1st in the NRA National Collegiate Conventional Rifle Team Championships and placed 1st in the NRA National Collegiate International Rifle Championships!
All-American Selections: Rod Fitz-Randolph, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Robert Lott, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Matthew Stark, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Joe Coriaggo, Hon Mention Smallbore Rifle
U.S. Shooting Team: Ed Etzel, Ray Carter, Paul Collins and Thurston Banks compete in the 1977 British Smallbore Rifle Championships in Bisley, England as part of the NRA Lord Earl Roberts Team. Ray Carter wins the British Smallbore Rifle Prone Championships and the British Smallbore Rifle Position Championships.
1977-78: Newcomers Wayne Dellinger from Virginia, Elaine Proffitt from Florida and Scott Ralston from New York arrive. Larry Graham comes back to coach and pursue his MBA. Dave Ash heads for Dental School. Ray Carter leaves the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit and becomes the Rifle Coach at East Tennessee State University.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - Larry Graham Team Captain - Rod Fitz-Randolph
National Rankings: Tennessee Tech placed 3rd in the NRA National Collegiate Conventional Rifle Team Championships, 2nd in the NRA National Collegiate International Rifle Championships and 1st in the inaugural NRA National Collegiate Air Rifle Championships! Elaine Proffitt won the NRA National Collegiate International Rifle Individual Championship.
All-American Selections: Rod Fitz-Randolph, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Elaine Proffitt, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Matthew Stark, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Wayne Dellinger, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle Stephen Kiern, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle
U.S. Shooting Team: Rod Fitz-Randolph and Matt Stark joined former TTU shooters Ed Etzel and Ray Carter on the U.S. Shooting Team at the 2nd Championships of the Americas (CAT) in Mexico City, Mexico in the fall of 1977.
1978-79: Kurt Fitz-Randolph, LouAnn Roberts, Jeff Bond and David Sill join the team. Major changes in the format of the NRA National Championships occured with the inaugural shoulder-to-shoulder championship held at the U.S. Naval Academy in addition to NRA Sectionals, plus International Shooting Union (UIT) equipment and coats were now required. No more heavy NRA leather coats. All-Americans were also selected for the first time in air rifle.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - Larry Graham Team Captains - Joe Corriago & Matt Stark ?
National Rankings: Tennessee Tech placed 1st in the NRA National Collegiate Rifle Team Championships! Elaine Proffitt won the NRA National Collegiate Smallbore Rifle Individual Championship.
All-American Selections: Kurt Fitz-Randolph, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Kurt Fitz-Randolph, 1st Team Air Rifle Rod Fitz-Randolph, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Rod Fitz-Randolph, 1st Team Air Rifle Elaine Proffitt, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Elaine Proffitt, 1st Team Air Rifle Matthew Stark, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Matthew Stark, 1st Team Air Rifle Wayne Dellinger, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Scott Ralston, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle Scott Ralston, Hon Mention Air Rifle
U.S. Shooting Team: Kurt Fitz-Randolph joins Ed Etzel and Ray Carter at the 42nd World Shooting Championships in Seoul, Korea in the fall of 1978. Rod Fitz-Randolph and Ed Etzel are on the 1979 Pan American Games Team to San Juan, Puerto Rico in July 1979. Rod Fitz-Randolph, Elaine Proffitt and Ray Carter compete in the 1st World Air Gun Championships in Seoul, Korea in August 1979. Rod wins the World Junior Air Gun Championship, while Elaine Proffitt places second and are joined by WVU's John Rost as their team wins the World Junior Air Rifle Team Championship. Ray Carter shoots with the Men's team that wins the silver medal behind Switzerland.
 1979 National Champions, L to R: Rod Fitz-Randolph, Kurt Fitz-Randolph, Elaine Proffitt, Matthew Stark, Coach Larry Graham.
1979-80: The success of the shoulder-to-shoulder format, plus the support of the Southern Conference and the NRA led to the adoption of the sport by the NCAA. Former TTU shooters Ed Etzel and Ray Carter are named to the NCAA Rifle Committee. The first NCAA Rifle Championship is held at ETSU in Johnson City, TN. Lauris Konjevich and Mark Fox from Florida join the team.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - James Newkirk Team Captain - Matt Stark
National Rankings: Tennessee Tech places 1st in the inaugural NCAA Rifle Championships that combines the smallbore and air rifle scores of the four shooters! Rod Fitz-Randolph wins both the NCAA Smallbore Rifle Championship and the NCAA Air Rifle Championship. Rod also makes the 1980 U.S. Olympic Shooting Team. This is truly the highpoint of the TTU Rifle Team.
All-American Selections: Kurt Fitz-Randolph, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Kurt Fitz-Randolph, 1st Team Air Rifle Rod Fitz-Randolph, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Rod Fitz-Randolph, 1st Team Air Rifle Elaine Proffitt, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Elaine Proffitt, 2nd Team Air Rifle Matthew Stark, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Matthew Stark, 1st Team Air Rifle Scott Ralston, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Scott Ralston, 1st Team Air Rifle Wayne Dellinger, Hon Mention Smallbore Rifle Wayne Dellinger, Hon Mention Air Rifle
U.S. Shooting Team: Rod Fitz-Randolph is selected to the 1980 U.S. Olympic Shooting Team.
  Rod wins the 1980 NCAA Rifle Championships!
 1980 yearbook article and pictures
 1979 National Champions
 Elaine Proffitt
1980-81: Tech adds Brad Cochran, Bruce Killingbeck, Ray Slonena, Kris Heim, Ronald Zerr, Robert Newton and Debra Phillips to the team. The 2nd NCAA Rifle Championships are held at U.S. Military Academy at West Point, NY and Tech wins its second NCAA Rifle Championship!
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - James Newkirk Team Captain - Scott Ralston
National Rankings: Tennessee Tech places 1st in the second NCAA Rifle Championships by a score of 6,139 over WVU's 6,136! Kurt Fitz-Randolph wins the NCAA Smallbore Rifle Championship!
All-American Selections: Kurt Fitz-Randolph, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Kurt Fitz-Randolph, 1st Team Air Rifle Elaine Proffitt, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Elaine Proffitt, 2nd Team Air Rifle Scott Ralston, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Scott Ralston, 2nd Team Air Rifle Wayne Dellinger, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Mark Fox, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle Mark Fox, Hon Mention Air Rifle Ray Slonena, Hon Mention Air Rifle

 Kurt Fitz-Randolph, 1981 NCAA Smallbore Rifle Champion
 1981 TTU All-Americans
1981-82: Fara Laubenheimer arrives from Florida, while TTU loses Dellinger, Proffitt and Ralston. The NCAA Rifle Championships are held at the Virginia Military Institute in Lexington, VA. Kurt Fitz-Randolph becomes the first eight-time member of the NRA All-American Rifle Team.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - James Newkirk Team Captain - Kurt Fitz-Randolph
National Rankings: Tennessee Tech places 1st in the 3rd NCAA Rifle Championships 6,138 to WVU's 6,136! Kurt Fitz-Randolph wins the NCAA Smallbore Rifle Championship for the second time!
All-American Selections: Kurt Fitz-Randolph, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Kurt Fitz-Randolph, 2nd Team Air Rifle Mark Fox, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Mark Fox, 2nd Team Air Rifle Ray Slonena, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Ray Slonena, 1st Team Air Rifle
U.S. Shooting Team: Ray Carter and Ray Slonena compete at the 2nd World Air Gun Championships in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic in August and later in the fall in the 3rd Championships of the Americas in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
1982-83: Tony Leone from the USAMU, Teri Leone from Virginia, Jesse Johnston from Connecticut, Michael Munn from Virginia and Janice Schuler from Oklahoma join the team.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - James Newkirk Team Captain - Mark Fox
National Rankings: Tennessee Tech places 2nd in the 4th NCAA Rifle Championships held at Xavier University. West Virginia University edges TTU 6,148 to 6,136. Ray Slonena wins the NCAA Air Rifle Championship!
All-American Selections: Mark Fox, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Mark Fox, 2nd Team Air Rifle Tony Leone, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Tony Leone, 1st Team Air Rifle Ray Slonena, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Ray Slonena, 1st Team Air Rifle Jesse Johnston, Hon Mention Smallbore Rifle Jesse Johnston, 2nd Team Air Rifle Michael Munn, Hon Mention Smallbore Rifle Michael Munn, 2nd Team Air Rifle
U.S. Shooting Team: Tony Leone, Rod Fitz-Randolph and Ray Carter compete at the 43rd World Shooting Championships in Caracas, Venezuela in the fall of 1982. Tony Leone, Robert Aylward, Ray Carter and Rod Fitz-Randolph compete in the Pan American Games held in Caracas, Venezuela in August 1983.
1983-84: Need something for here!
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - James Newkirk Team Captain - Tony Leone
National Rankings: Tennessee Tech places 3rd in the 5th NCAA Rifle Championships held at Murry State University after West Virginia University and ETSU.
All-American Selections: Mark Fox, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Mark Fox, 2nd Team Air Rifle Tony Leone, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Tony Leone, 1st Team Air Rifle Ray Slonena, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Ray Slonena, 1st Team Air Rifle Jesse Johnston, Hon Mention Smallbore Rifle Jesse Johnston, 2nd Team Air Rifle Michael Munn, Hon Mention Smallbore Rifle Michael Munn, 2nd Team Air Rifle
U.S. Shooting Team: Ed Etzel competes in the 3rd World Air Gun Championships in Innsbruck, Austria. Ed Etzel wins the 50m Free Rifle Prone 60 shots Olympic Gold Medal at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games in July 1984! He also ties the World Record with his 400x400 in the 50m Free Prone 40 shots during the 3-position match.
1984-85: Earl Hauf and Anthony Khiel join the team. Ed Etzel is the first TTU Rifle Team member selected to the TTU Sports of Hall of Fame in October 1984.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - James Newkirk Team Captains - Jesse Johnston & Mike Munn
National Rankings: Tennessee Tech places 4th in the 6th NCAA Rifle Championships at USMA, West Point, NY.
All-American Selections: Tony Leone, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Tony Leone, 2nd Team Air Rifle Earl Hauf, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle Michael Munn, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle Jesse Johnston, 2nd Team Air Rifle
1985-86: Fritz Borke, Kerry Crowe and Erik Christiansen join the team. Ray Carter is inducted in the TTU Sports Hall of Fame in October 1985.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - James Newkirk Team Captain - ?
National Rankings: Tennessee Tech places 4th in the 7th NCAA Rifle Championships at the U.S. Naval Academy.
All-American Selections: Tony Leone, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Jesse Johnston, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle Janice Schuler, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle Fritz Borke, 2nd Team Air Rifle Earl Hauf, 2nd Team Air Rifle Kerry Crowe, Hon Mention Smallbore Rifle
U.S. Shooting Team: Robert Aylward, Kurt Fitz-Randolph, Lana Ward and Ray Carter compete in the 4th Championships of the Americas at Fort Benning, GA in October 1985. Elaine Proffitt wins the Women's Smallbore Rifle 3x20 event at the 1986 UIT World Cup in Mexico City. Kurt Fitz-Randolph wins the Men's Smallbore Free Rifle 3x40 event at the 1986 UIT World Cup in Munich, Germany.
1986-87: Lance Hopper, Manny Goodman, Vinnie Pestilli, Dallas Smith, Lana Ward and Daryl Szarenski join the team.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - James Newkirk Team Captain - Earl Hauf
National Rankings: Tennessee Tech places 4th in the 8th NCAA Rifle Championships at Xavier University.
All-American Selections: Lana Ward, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle Lana Ward, 1st Team Air Rifle
U.S. Shooting Team: Robert Aylward competes in the 44th World Shooting Championships in Skoevde, Sweden in 300m Free Rifle in August 1986. Ray Carter is the 300m alternate and Assistant Team Leader. Rod Fitz-Randolph, Elaine Proffitt and Lana Ward compete in the 44th World Shooting Championships in Suhl, East Germany.
1987-88: Stephanie Davis and Neil Frenzl join the team.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - James Newkirk Team Captain - Kerry Crowe
National Rankings: Tennessee Tech places 4th in the 9th NCAA Rifle Championships at VMI.
All-American Selections: Lana Ward, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Lana Ward, 1st Team Air Rifle Vinnie Pestilli, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle Vinnie Pestilli, 2nd Team Air Rifle Manny Goodman, Hon Mention Smallbore Rifle
U.S. Shooting Team: Lana Ward competes in the World Air Gun Championships in Budapest, Hungary and helps them win the Junior Women's World Championship. Vinnie Pestilli competes with the Junior Men's Air Rifle Team in Budapest. Elaine Proffitt wins the Women's Air Rifle event at the 1988 UIT World Cup in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Kurt Fitz-Randolph shoots the Mens Air Rifle and Mens 3x40 events. Rod Fitz-Randolph competes in Men's Air Rifle in the 1988 Olympic Games in Seoul, Korea.
1988-89: Tanya Brown, Michael Goains and Travis Kuenning join the team. Daryl Szarenski becomes only the second person in history to be selected to both the NRA All-American Rifle Team and the NRA All-American Pistol Team.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - James Newkirk Team Captain - Manny Goodman
National Rankings: Tennessee Tech places 3rd in the 10th NCAA Rifle Championships at Murray State University.
All-American Selections: Dallas Smith, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Lana Ward, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Lana Ward, 2nd Team Air Rifle Vinnie Pestilli, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle Vinnie Pestilli, 2nd Team Air Rifle Manny Goodman, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle Fritz Borke, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle Daryl Szarenski, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle Daryl Szarenski, 1st Team Free Pistol Daryl Szarenski, 1st Team Air Pistol
U.S. Shooting Team: Vinnie Pestilli wins the Men's Air Rifle event at the 1989 UIT World Cup in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - Jeff Gold Team Captain - Manny Goodman
National Rankings: Tennessee Tech places 3rd in the 11th NCAA Rifle Championships at the U.S. Naval Academy.
All-American Selections: Dallas Smith, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Lana Ward, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Lana Ward, 1st Team Air Rifle Neil Frenzl, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle Manny Goodman, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle Vinnie Pestilli, Hon Mention Air Rifle Daryl Szarenski, 1st Team Air Pistol Daryl Szarenski, Hon Mention Free Pistol
1990-91: Megan Banks, Keith Bollendorf, Stephen Morabito and Jason Schulze join the team.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - Manny Goodman Team Captain - Daryl Szarenski
National Rankings: Tennessee Tech places 8th in the 12th NCAA Rifle Championships at the U.S. Military Academy.
All-American Selections: Daryl Szarenski, 1st Team Free Pistol Daryl Szarenski, 1st Team Air Pistol
1991-92: Chris Jensen and Danielle Bolando join the team. Rod Fitz-Randolph is inducted in the TTU Sports Hall of Fame. Former TTU shooter Frank Van Cleave places third in the NRA High Power Rifle Championships at Camp Perry, OH.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - Manny Goodman Team Captain - ?
National Rankings: Tennessee Tech places 6th in the 13th NCAA Rifle Championships at Murray State University.
All-American Selections: Tanya Brown, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Stephen Morabito, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle
1992-93: Darrin Campbell and Jarrod Smith join the team. Robert Aylward is inducted in the TTU Sports Hall of Fame. Frank Van Cleave places third in the NRA High Power Rifle Championships at Camp Perry, OH.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - Manny Goodman Team Captain - ?
National Rankings: Tennessee Tech places 7th in the 14th NCAA Rifle Championships at VMI.
All-American Selections: Chris Jensen, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Darrin Campbell, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle Stephen Morabito, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle
1993-94: Chris Gangone, Charity Jacobsen and Keri Kirsch join the team. Rifle becomes
an official Ohio Valley Conference (OVC) sport. The OVC Rifle All-Conference Team includes Chris Jensen - Smallbore
Rifle, Steve Morabito - Smallbore Rifle, Darrin Campbell - Smallbore Rifle, Jason Schulze - Air Rifle. Chris Jensen is the
1995 OVC Smallbore Rifle MVP.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - Manny Goodman Team Captain - Darrin Campbell
National Rankings: Tennessee Tech places 7th in the 15th NCAA Rifle Championships at Murray State University.
All-American Selections: Chris Jensen, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle Darrin Campbell, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle Stephen Morabito, Hon Mention Smallbore Rifle
1994-95: Sara Haas-Parra and James Parker join the team. The OVC Rifle
All-Conference Team includes Sara Haas-Parra - Smallbore Rifle & Air Rifle, Charity Jacobsen - Smallbore Rifle.
Sara Haas-Parra is the 1995 OVC Smallbore Rifle MVP.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - Hollings Andrews Team Captain - Darrin Campbell
National Rankings: Tennessee Tech places 8th in the 16th NCAA Rifle Championships at the U.S. Naval Academy.
All-American Selections: Darrin Campbell, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle Sara Haas-Parra, 2nd Team Smallbore
Rifle Charity Jacobsen, 2nd Team Air Rifle
U.S. Shooting Team: Daryl Szarenski competes in the 47th World Shooting Championships in Milano, Italy in
July 1994 and in the Pan American Games in Buenos Aires, Argentina in March 1995.
1995-96: Jason Mercier joins the team. Kurt Fitz-Randolph is inducted in the TTU
Sports Hall of Fame. The OVC Rifle All-Conference Team includes Sara Haas-Parra - Smallbore Rifle & Air Rifle, Darrin
Campbell - Smallbore Rifle & Air Rifle, Charity Jacobsen - Air Rifle. Darrin Campbell is the 1996 OVC Smallbore Rifle
MVP. Tech wins the OVC Air Rifle Team Championship.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - Hollings Andrews Team Captain - Darrin Campbell
National Rankings: Tennessee Tech places 9th in the 17th NCAA Rifle Championships at the U.S. Air Force Academy
(actually shot at the U.S. Olympic Training Center).
All-American Selections: Darrin Campbell, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Darrin Campbell, Hon Mention Air Rifle Sara Haas-Parra, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle Charity Jacobsen, 2nd Team Air Rifle
1996-97: David Gregory joins the team. The OVC Rifle All-Conference Team
includes Sara Haas-Parra - Smallbore Rifle, Charity Jacobsen - Air Rifle. Charity Jacobsen is elected the 1997 OVC Air
Rifle MVP.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - Chris Jensen Team Captain - Sara Haas-Parra
National Rankings: Tennessee Tech places 8th in the 18th NCAA Rifle Championships.
All-American Selections: Sara Haas-Parra, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Charity Jacobsen, 1st Team Air Rifle
1997-98: Jeremy Breithaupt, Karl Juziuk, Katherine DelGrosso and Andy Fulkerson
join the team. Coach James Newkirk is inducted in the TTU Sports Hall of Fame. The OVC Rifle All-Conference Team
includes Sara Haas-Parra - Smallbore Rifle, Jeremy Briethaupt - Smallbore Rifle, Katie DelGrosso - Air Rifle,
Karl Juziuk - Air Rifle.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - Chris Jensen Team Captain - Sara Haas-Parra
National Rankings: Tennessee Tech places 8th in the 19th NCAA Rifle Championships.
All-American Selections: Sara Haas-Parra, Honorable Mention - Smallbore Rifle.
U.S. Shooting Team: Daryl Szarenski competes in Free Pistol, Standard Pistol and wins Air Pistol in the
Championships of the Americas in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Former TTU Rifle Team member Lance Hopper is a member of the
winning Men's 50m Free Rifle Prone Team at the World Shooting Championships in Barcelona, Spain. Daryl Szarenski wins Air
Pistol in UIT World Cup in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He competes in Air Pistol and Free Pistol in the 47th World Shooting
Championships in Barcelona, Spain.
1998-99: Amy Mountcastle joins the team. The OVC Rifle All-Conference Team
includes Jeremy Breithaupt - Smallbore Rifle.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - Chris Jensen Team Captain - Jeremy Breithaupt
National Rankings: Tennessee Tech places 15th in the 20th NCAA Rifle Championships.
U.S. Shooting Team: Daryl Szarenski competes in Free Pistol and wins Air Pistol in the Pan American Games in
Winnipeg, Canada.
1999-2000: Annie Goodman joins the team. Elaine Proffitt Keagle is inducted in
the TTU Sports Hall of Fame. Former member Frank Van Cleave places third in the NRA National High Power Rifle
Championships at Camp Perry, OH. Former shooter Lance Hopper wins the 2000 NRA National Smallbore Rifle 3-Position
Championships at Camp Perry, OH. The OVC Rifle All-Conference Team includes David Gregory - Smallbore Rifle & Air Rifle,
Katie DelGrosso - Air Rifle.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - Charity Goodman Team Captain - David Gregory
National Rankings: Tennessee Tech places 12th in the 21st NCAA Rifle Championships.
2000-2001: Inara Auzins, Chris Dautel, William Grant and Max Shub join the team.
Lana Ward Barboza is inducted in the TTU Sports Hall of Fame. Tennessee Tech freshman Max Shub won the OVC individual
championship in smallbore rifle and four Golden Eagleye shooters earned all-conference honors as Tennessee Tech captured
the 2001 Ohio Valley Conference Rifle Championship, held on the Tech range. Tech unseated six-time defending champion
Murray State, which had won every OVC Rifle Championship since the league began sponsoring competition in 1994. Karl Juziuk
and Bill Grant joined Max Shub on the All-OVC Smallbore Rifle Team. Bill Grant and Katie Gregory were named to the
All-OVC Air Rifle Team. Tom Kelly is selected the 2001 OVC Rifle Coach of the Year. The team finished with a 39-23
record. Maxim Shub tied for 3rd with a 391 in the NCAA Air Rifle Championships and placed 7th with a 1168 in the NCAA
Smallbore Rifle Championships.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - Tom Kelly Team Captain - Andrew Fulkerson
National Rankings: Tennessee Tech places 7th in the 22nd NCAA Rifle Championships at Ohio State University
with their 6,079 (Smallbore 4,553, Air Rifle 1525).
All-American Selections: Maxim Shub, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle
U.S. Shooting Team: Daryl Szarenski competes in Free Pistol in Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia. Former
shooters Lance Hopper and Tony Leone shoot on the 2001 NRA Lord Earl Roberts Team in Bisley, England.
2001-2002: Dan Crews from Georgia joins the team. Matt Stark is inducted in the
TTU Sports Hall of Fame.
Tennessee Tech claimed its second straight Ohio Valley Conference rifle title and also the overall crown for the
University of Tennessee-Martin Invitational. They had won the Roger Withrow and James Newkirk Invitationals the previous
two weekends. Tech won the smallbore division with a 4614 total and claimed the overall titles with an aggregate score of
6153. Anne Goodman led the Eagleyes in the air rifle division, posting an impressive 388 total. Shub had a team-high 1161
in the smallbore division. The OVC Rifle All-Conference Team includes Maxim Shub - Smallbore Rifle & Air Rifle, Annie
Goodman - Smallbore Rifle & Air Rifle, Dan Crews - Smallbore Rifle. George Moody is selected the 2002 OVC Rifle Coach of
the Year.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - George Moody Asst. Rifle Team Coach - Karl Juziuk Team Captain - Annie
National Rankings: TTU places 5th in the 23rd NCAA Rifle Championship at Murray State University with their
6164 (Smallbore 4631, Air Rifle 1533).
All-American Selections: Maxim Shub, 1st Team Smallbore Rifle Dan Crews, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle
Bill Grant, Smallbore Honorable Mention Dan Crews, Air Rifle First Team Maxim Shub, Air Rifle Second Team
U.S. Shooting Team: Former shooter Daryl Szarenski competes in the 8th Championships of the Americas at
Fort Benning, GA in October 2001.
2002-2003: Misty Chanek from Texas and Josh Wyatt from California join the team.
Tech wins the Gamecock Invitational at Jacksonville, AL, the James Newkirk Invitational in Cookeville, TN and the Roger
Withrow Invitational in Murry, KY. Tennessee Tech claimed its third straight Ohio Valley Conference rifle title at Martin,
TN. The regular season record is 50-12. The OVC Rifle All-Conference Team includes Dan Crews - Smallbore Rifle, Chris
Dautel - Smallbore Rifle, Misty Chanek - Smallbore Rifle, Billy Grant - Air Rifle, Annie Goodman - Air Rifle. George Moody
is selected the 2003 OVC Rifle Coach of the Year.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - George Moody Asst. Rifle Team Coach - Karl Juziuk Team Captain - Annie
National Rankings: TTU places 8th at the 24th NCAA Rifle Championship at West Point, NY. Misty Chanek placed
12th in the NCAA Smallbore Rifle Championship.
All-American Selections: Dan Crews, 2nd Team Smallbore Rifle. Dan Crews, 2nd Team Air Rifle.
U.S. Shooting Team: Former shooter Daryl Szarenski competes in the 48th World Shooting Championships in Lahti,
Finland in July 2002. He placed 7th in Men's Air Pistol and 13th in Free Pistol, plus he won an Olympic Quota Slot for
the USA in Men's Air Pistol. He also competes in the 2003 Pan American Games in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic winning
the Free Pistol event.
2003-2004: Ryan Headlee from Pennsylvania and Andrew Tucker from Georgia join the
team for the school's 51st season of riflery.
Tennessee Tech places third in the Ohio Valley Conference Championships.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - Steve Law Team Captain - Inara Auzins
National Rankings: TTU places 7th at the 25th NCAA Rifle Championship at Murry State University. Andrew
Tucker placed 19th in the NCAA Air Rifle Championship.
U.S. Shooting Team: Daryl Szarenski places 13th in Men's Air Pistol and 15th in Free Pistol in the Olympic
Games in Athens, Greece.
2004-2005: Chad Jernigan and Erica Burnham from Alaska and Andrew Leydig from
Pennsylvania join the team for the school's 52nd season of riflery.
Tennessee Tech places second in the Ohio Valley Conference Championships with Chris Dautel and Ryan Headlee making OVC
Rifle All-Conference Team in Smallbore and Chris Dautel making it in Air Rifle also.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - Steve Law Asst. Rifle Team Coach - Inara Auzins Team Captain - Chris
National Rankings: Chris Dautel places 9th in Air Rifle at the 26th NCAA Rifle Championships. The team is
ranked 9th in the nation.
All-American Selections:
U.S. Shooting Team: Daryl Szarenski wins an Olympic Quota Slot for the USA in Men's Free Pistol at the
Championships of the Americas in Salinas, Puerto Rico.
2005-2006: Juniors Ryan Headlee and Andrew Tucker along with Sophomores Chad
Jernigan and Erica Burnham compete for the school's 53rd season.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - Steve Law Team Captain - Ryan Headlee
National Rankings: The team finishes 17th in the nation.
All-American Selections:
U.S. Shooting Team:
2006-2007: Ryan McSheehy from Massachusetts, Jessica McCauley from Colorado and
Curtis Gagne from Florida join Juniors Chad Jernigan and Erica Burnham and Seniors Ryan Headlee and Andrew Tucker for the
school's 54th season.
Leadership: Rifle Team Coach - Steve Law Team Captain - Andrew Tucker
National Rankings: The team finishes 14th in the nation. Erica Burnham places in Air Rifle at the NCAA
Rifle Championships.
All-American Selections:
U.S. Shooting Team:
2007-2008: Austin Litherland, Johnathan Zimmerer and James Culver join Curtis
Gagne, Jessica McCauley and Erica Burnham for the school's 55th season.