2004 Military Marksmanship Association Reunion - Fort Benning, GA

Jack Hyder
Jack Hyder (Service Rifle, Int'l Rifle NCOIC)
Bob Aylward
Bob Aylward (Int'l Rifle, Deputy Commander)
Mike Bach
Mike Bach, (Int'l Rifle)
William Duncan
William Duncan (Service Rifle, Int'l Rifle NCOIC)
Gary Anderson
Gary Anderson (Int'l Rifle)
Bob Mitchell
Bob Mitchell (Int'l Rifle)
Boyd Goldsby
Boyd Goldsby (Service Rifle, Int'l Rifle)
Joanne Stawski Goldsby
Joanne Stawski Goldsby (Service Rifle)
Mike Griggs
Mike Griggs (Int'l Rifle, RT)
Don Harmon
Don Harmon (Int'l Rifle, RT)
Hector Andujar on Friday afternoon.
Hector Andujar (Service Rifle)
Burl Branham
Burl Branham (Service Rifle, Shotgun Coach)
Coats Brown
Coats Brown (a little of everything)
Jeremiah McKenzie and W. R. Lee
Jeremiah McKenzie (Deputy Commander) and W. R. Lee (Service Rifle)
Bill Krilling
Bill Krilling (Int'l Rifle)
Jerry Lebish
Jerry Lebish (Service Rifle)
Jose Valentine
Jose Valentine (Int'l Rifle NCOIC)
Kim Howe and Lones Wigger
Kim Howe (Int'l Rifle, S-3) and Lones Wigger (Int'l Rifle)
James McQuien
James McQuien (Service Rifle)
Bruce Meredith
Bruce Meredith (Service Rifle, Int'l Rifle)
Vic Polansky
Vic Polansky (Int'l Rifle)
Earl Waterman
Earl Waterman (Service Rifle)
Lones Wigger
Lones Wigger (Int'l Rifle)
Marvin Warren
Marvin Warren (Service Rifle, Int'l Rifle NCOIC)
Mr. Smith
Mr. Smith (Shop)
Charlie Davis
Charlie Davis (Service Rifle, RT)
Stan Parmentier
Stan Parmentier (Former Commander)
Ray Carter and Gloria Parmentier
Ray Carter (Service Rifle, Int'l Rifle) and Gloria Parmentier (Int'l Rifle)
Bill Pullum speaking at Hall of Fame Induction.
Bill Pullum speaking at Hall of Fame Induction.
W. R. Lee telling a joke at Hall of Fame Induction.
W. R. Lee telling a joke at Hall of Fame Induction.
Making salad on the shotgun field.
Making "salad" with a shotgun.
Ray Carter with the Service Rifle plaque.
Ray Carter with the Service Rifle plaque commissioned by Phil Cannella.
MAJ Web Wright III in Iraq.
MAJ Web Wright III (Int'l Rifle) in Iraq.
LTC David Chesser collecting information from his informants.
LTC David Chesser (Int'l Rifle) "collecting valuable intelligence from his informants" in Iraq.

Military Marksmanship Association website

Photos by Ray P. Carter