The Major Waldron Sportsmen's Association in Barrington, NH hosts a series of Cowboy Rifle Metallic Silhouette Shoots at distances of 200 and 300 yards. Rifles from the Wild West period (or modern reproductions) are used. The targets are metal plates in shapes like a Square or
Round Circle at 200 or 300 yards.
The first category includes Single Shot Rifles like the famous 1874 Sharps, the Remington Rolling Block, the 1885 Winchester Highwall, the Gemmer Sharps and other "Buffalo Rifles". They might be in calibers like .45-70, .45-90, .38-55, .40-65, etc. The targets are at 200 and 300 yards.
The second category is a Single Shot Military Rifle category for those shooting such rifles as the 1873 Springfield Trapdoor Rifle, the 1873 Springfield Trapdoor Carbine and the 1874 Sharps Cavalry Carbine. There are separate classes for black powder and smokeless powder.
The third category includes Lever Action Rifles in "rifle calibers" like the Winchester 1886, Winchester 1894, Marlin 1895, etc. These would be in calibers like .30-30, .32 Winchester Special, .38-55, .40-65, .45-70, etc. The targets are at 200 and 300 yards. There are separate classes for black powder and smokeless powder.
Come on out and "bang and clang" with us. We have a covered firing line that is very deep and we will shoot year around unless the weather is so poor that we can't see the targets. We start at 9 am.
Eye and ear protection is required for everyone, including spectators, while on the range!
 Shooting an original Springfield Trapdoor 1873 Rifle in .45-70 from rustic cross-sticks at 200 yards.
Major Waldron Sportsmen's Association
Ray Carter - Match Director
Route 9 (1.1 miles east of Route 125)
339 Franklin Pierce Highway
Barrington, NH 03825
Match Director's Cell Phone: 603-957-0377
Designed by Ray P. Carter, Webmaster